5 Business Leaders On Why They Chose An RNG Or CNG Fleet

More and more industry-leading businesses are making the switch to natural gas. This cost-effective fuel is more environmentally friendly than diesel, and serves as a safe, sustainable, wallet-friendly choice for fleets. Hear from five influential businesses below on why they chose an RNG or CNG fleet!A waste management truck fills up at ReFuel Energy’s Sacramento Station. Waste Management has a large RNG and CNG fleet.


Why Successful Business Leaders Chose An RNG Or CNG Fleet

Dallas Fort Worth Airport

Dallas Fort Worth is the only airport in the United States to be certified as carbon neutral. When asked why they chose Renewable Natural Gas, they had this to say:

“Using RNG for our fleet of vehicles will help us reduce our carbon footprint and our operating costs. It makes good business sense.” – Robert Horton, DFW’s Vice President of Environmental Affairs


LA Metro

LA Metro is on a mission to have a zero-emission fleet by the year 2030. They have a CNG fleet, and have even committed to transitioning to RNG. Here’s why:

“The CNG buses run well, the fuel is inexpensive and clean, and the technology is only getting better.” – John Drayton, LA Metro’s Director of Vehicle Technology

Waste Management

Waste Management is a leader in the switch to alternative fuels. When they opened their 100th natural gas fueling station in August to help fuel their CNG fleet, the company made the following statement:

“Waste Management’s mission is to maximize resource value, while minimizing environmental impact so that our customers, our company, our economy and our environment can thrive… Today’s milestone is certainly a stellar example of this, and we’re proud to be the leader in the adoption of natural gas for our heavy-duty fleet and we plan to do even more!” – Jim Trevathan, Waste Management’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Matheson Trucking

Matheson Trucking recently added 27 CNG tractors to their fleet as part of an ongoing environmental commitment. Here’s why:

“Our firm is dedicated to a policy of increasing the use of clean energy fuels to improve air quality, decrease diesel fuel consumption and reliance on foreign oil, while helping to preserve our environment.” – Charles Mellor, Chief Operating Officer  


UPS has been a longtime leader in the transition to alternative fuels. Back in 2015 they furthered this commitment by switching to Renewable Natural Gas.

“This step by UPS sends a clear message that RNG is a viable, cost-effective alternative to traditional diesel,” – Harrison Clay, Clean Energy Renewables President

They furthered that commitment in 2017 by announcing agressive new sustainability goals, in an effort to better our environment.

“Because of our size and scale, we know our commitments can shape markets, advance technologies and be a catalyst for infrastructure investments.” – David Abney, UPS Chairman and CEO

Whether your business is motivated by a desire to help our environment or is looking for a smart economic choice by choosing a safer, more sustainable alternative to diesel, choosing a RNG or CNG fleet is a great move. Join the league of businesses making the cost-effective, eco-friendly commitment to natural gas.

Let’s talk about switching your fleet to renewable natural gas. Get in touch!

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