We Inform Energy Policy

Renewable natural gas is an exciting source of sustainable, safe energy with a big local impact. By turning waste into fuel, ReFuel Energy Partners is reducing waste and air pollution while creating fuel and local blue-collar jobs. We work with policymakers to make this exciting fuel source a part of our renewable energy future, better the air we breath, and actively do our part to become environmentally sustainable.

Shaping Energy Policy

ReFuel Energy Partners actively engages in and participates in any event that helps educate on the cleanest available fuel today.  Whether it is legislative question and answers forums, trade shows with one of the many of our clean air vehicles on display or presenting at workshops for utilities, companies or trade groups – ReFuel Energy is there to support and educate. 

Our goal is inform our legislatures and regulators on the “here & now” benefits of utilizing a renewable fuel for the transportation industry that travels through our communities.

Renewable natural gas is an exciting part of the nation’s clean energy future.


  • It’s safe.
  • It’s renewable.
  • Its impact is local.
  • It’s dependable.
  • It’s mass scalable.

Contact us for information on how your switch to RNG can contribute to a renewable energy society.

Additional Resources

ReFuel Energy Partners is proud to be part of our renewable energy future. We’re one group of many working to curb greenhouse gas emissions and create an environmentally sound future.

If you’re looking for additional resources, get in touch with our friends at:

  • California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition: The CNGVC advocates for wider use of natural gas vehicles to reduce greenhouse gasses and provide a home-grown fuel source that creates blue-collar jobs.
  • Clean Cities Sacramento: Clean Cities Sacramento is a partnership between government and industry working to reduce petroleum consumption.
  • Clean Cities Utah: The Utah Clean Cities Coalition exists to support organizations and fleets in their efforts to contribute to clean air by reducing vehicle emissions.

Are you passionate about working with your local community to inform energy policy and create a greener future? We’d love to hear from you!

Let’s Talk Energy!

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