Sacramento to Fuel Refuse Vehicles with Renewable Natural Gas

Sacramento to Fuel Refuse Vehicles with Renewable Natural Gas


Thi Dao in July 10, 2010 wrote a great article on The City of Sacramento’s plan to have its compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks use CNG produced from food waste a as a result of the opening of the CNG Fueling Station owned by Atlas Disposal (now known as AtlasRefuel). Our station dispenses natural gas sourced from the adjacent digester supplemented by pipeline natural gas. 

AtlasRefuel RNG and CNG fueling facility
The Clean Energy/Atlas Disposal CNG fueling facility (AtlasRefuel) dispenses natural gas sourced from the BioDigester Supplemented by pipeline natural gas

Quoting then Sacramento Fleet Manager Keith Leech from the article:

“The City of Sacramento and the Sacramento Air District, both key contributors to Sacramento Clean Cities staff time and resources, have strongly supported the Atlas Disposal renewable natural gas efforts,” Leech, who is also president of the Sacramento Regional Clean Cities Coalition, said. “Additionally, Sacramento Clean Cities is working on finalizing a grant that would allow the coalition to pursue outreach to local schools to participate in the food waste collection program. There is also potential for schools to fuel some of their CNG school buses with the renewable natural gas.”

Read the full article, originally posted at here:

Sacramento to Fuel Refuse Vehicles with RNG Renewable Natural Gas


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